“If you have a patient with a condition that's not understood why not ascribe it to a disorder that is also not understood? We think: What is this about? Don't know. What is at the heart of it? Don't know. All I can tell you is that I like numbers. I like their shapes and their colors and their smells and the way they taste. And I dont like to take people's word for things.”
Cormac McCarthy, Stella Maris

I'm Iris Voss and I make audio art.

As per my instagram bio - I design things and make music. I like to call what I do audio-reactive art because I use sound to influence visuals. People describe it as either weird, fascinating or completely insane (and that's ok!)

I’ve created this website for you to explore more about me and how I bring my creative ideas to life. And if you like what you see, join my email list to receive updates and inspiration when I have something interesting and exciting to share.

I'm not a magician as some like to think, but I hope my work sparks your interest in learning more about audio-reactivity and the thrilling blend of music and visual art.